
Improved search

  • You can now search within the tags you have selected.

  • There are two search modes, the search that takes the tags into account or searching through the entire database.

  • You can toggle between these modes with a new button next to the search bar.

  • Toggling between the modes will reload your last search in the selected mode.

  • Clearing the search field will now properly reload the db with the selected tags.

  • Searching now ignores any whitespaces that might be in song titles, search results should be a bit more reliable.

  • The status bar at the top of the database now accurately describes what kind of search was done.

Avatar moderation

  • Avatar sounds can now be globally toggled off. Note: Re-enabling sounds sometimes doesn't work for some audiosources and you can always hear your own avatar sounds.

  • A minimum and maximum heightlimit for avatar scaling can be set.

  • Avatar scaling can be disabled.

  • Everyone can be forced to be a specific height.

  • The system saves your preferred height, if this height is within the limits again then you'll scale back to your preferred height.

  • All scaling is done smoothly to make it as comfy as possible.

  • All these settings are available in the Admin panel and are disabled by default.

  • @Chatmans added new posters for Marshallthon 2023!

  • Fixed a bug where the queue could get stuck if AutoPlay was off and a video errored. The skip button now appears properly. Ty @LuunaVR

  • Fixed DustBunny filter not displaying the correct videos. Ty @le KohryÚwÙ ฅ(ミ>ᆽ<`ミ)∫ !

  • Fixed a bug where a players avatar would not be switched correctly when entering the drone camera. Ty @Sakari!

  • Fixed UI overlap with the queue preview and the custom URL actions menu.

  • Fixed the leaderboard "My Score" button. It now correctly jumps to your score again.

  • Updated staff pictures.

  • Updated Patreon bench.

  • Security updates.

  • Marshallthon prep.



