
Live Twitch Chat

  • Added a system to show the Twitch chat of https://www.twitch.tv/vrdancing live in-world.

  • Huge shoutout to @~Silentt~ for developing the infrastructure to make this possible.

  • A tablet shows the last few messages that were sent.

  • When you are on the dancefloor messages pop up near the floor.

  • These notifications can be toggled off or filtered.

  • Donations or other special events have a coloured outline.

  • There are moderation settings in-world in case someone is being a nuisance.

  • This system will be used at our events and has to be manually enabled by our staff team, we will be testing it in the next few events before the Marshallthon.

  • Added infrastructure for doing giveaways at the Marshallthon.

  • Tons of other Marshallthon prep!

  • Reworked XP export, we should have less occassions of lost XP data now.

  • Updated staff pictures.

  • Improved UI icons.

  • Improved settings labels.

  • Security updates.

  • Fixed a bug where the videoscreen would jitter on its max size. Thank you @Project_nep!



