Health & Safety

Dancing in VR is incredibly fun but your health and safety are the most important!
At VRDancing we request of you to always take good care of yourself when participating in any of our events or using our dance studio.

We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release and discharge anyone but yourself.

Stay Healthy!

  • Stay hydrated, drink water regularly and eat healthily!

  • Do proper warmups and cooldowns, we have filters for these videos.

  • Take breaks regularly, moderate how long you dance in total.

  • Do not attempt dances that are too difficult, you can easily hurt yourself.

  • Get out of VR if something hurts, VR is a strong painkiller.

Be mindful of your surroundings!

  • Keep pets and humans away from you.

  • Know your playspace, setup your boundaries.

  • Clear your playspace of fragile or sharp objects.

  • Consider wearing shoes in case you kick something.

Take care of your equipment!

  • Save your cable, unspin after doing a few spins.

  • Don’t attempt acrobatics that could make you crush equipment or tangle a cable.

  • Clean your headset and controllers, prvent water damage.

  • Fitness gloves can help prevent controller water damage.

Participating in a VRDancing Marathon

Dancing for an extended amount of time puts serious strain on your body, follow the tips below to ensure healthy participation at our longer running events.

Pre-game: 2 hours to 15 minutes before you start

  • Your pre-marathon meal should be a minimum of 2 hours before you start OR if you do have to eat, eat something light.

    • A good example is half a banana about 15 min before your start. Don’t want to start with a full stomach. As that can lead to some discomfort or cramps.

  • Careful of gas-inducing carbs, broccoli, cabbage, beans or too much fruit.

  • Start hydration with some of your favorite sports drink. To make sure make sure you have some electrolytes in your system before you start.

  • Make sure to get plenty of good sleep the day before (8 to 10 hours).

During the event

  • Having plain water for hydration should be perfectly fine, HOWEVER if you plan on dancing more than one session (2 hours). You may want to plan on having a steady carbohydrate intake to have enough energy to burn.

    • Sports drinks (electrolytes, glucose)

    • Fruits, like bananas, oranges, and berries

    • Protein shakes/bars

    • GEL shots (Many cycling shops or health and fitness stores have these available)

  • Don't drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages, both dehydrate you.


  • Please be sure to take at least a minimum 30 minute break and have a proper meal. Suggested to be high in carbs and protein.

    • Pasta and rice

    • Protein shakes/bars

    • Rice cakes & peanut butter

    • Beef jerky/biltong

    • Calorie dense cuts of meat and fish

    • Avoid high fiber foods


  • This will differ a little for everyone. (Mostly depending on your personal level of fitness).

  • Do a proper cool down! For some a light stretch will do, others will need to a very light routine (Plenty of cooldowns available in the database).

  • The point is get the heart rate down slowly.

  • Still keep hydration and electrolytes in mind. Your body will still need to replenish lost fluids.

  • Light protein intake (example: Protein shake) within 45 minutes of your workout. Helps you, if you give your body the material to repair itself.

  • Make sure to get plenty of sleep afterwards, even if you need upwards of 12+ hours.

Thank you Kamizhou and ElDarkFrost for compiling this guide.