Dancing in Virtual Reality has changed the lives of many of our community members.

In our experience, dancing with friends is an amazing way to improve your health and build confidence while simply having fun with friends.

At VRDancing we aim to create a safespace where people can familiarise themselves with dance regardless of who they are.

Within our community there are many heartwarming stories about members that: gained self-esteem, have become more comfortable with themselves, lost weight, made friends or even found love.

Improving physical and mental health through dance

Yearly fundraiser: The Marshall Marathon

Every year we focus our efforts to collect money for The Trevor Project.

We do this by dancing to all choreographies by The Fitness Marshall in one 24h+ long event! Teams of dancers dance in shifts to ensure there is always a group dancing in our challenging marathon.

The entire event is streamed live on our Twitch channel and viewers are able to donate specific sums of money to trigger a variety of fun effects on the dancefloor!

For example you can: set the dancefloor on fire, flip the choreography video, teleport everyone to random locations or distract the dancers!

VRDancing raised $28.963,13

The support from the VRDancing community has been absolutely overwhelming. The energy during our marathons has been magical as so many regulars and new faces got together for an amazing cause.

In 2021 our goal was $500,00 but we managed to raise $4.625,00

In 2022 our goal was $5000,00 but we managed to raise $13.500,00

In 2023 our goal was $8000,00 and we raised $10.838,13

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is an organisation that aims to save young LGBTQ lives.

A cause that hits close to home for many members within the VRDancing community as many people here fall within the LGBTQ umbrella.

This is also the organisation that The Fitness Marshall himself endorses.