
Fixed audio normalisation, this broke last update without me realising it. The world should be less loud and more balanced again. Reminder that you can adjust the overall volume both in the quick menu and the VRD settings panel!

  • Minimum height now defaults to 0.2m instead of 0.25m because some of you wanted to be even smaller?

  • The videoplayer now attempts to load videos for 30 seconds instead of 10 seconds in case the queue master has a slow internet connection. This should result in less cases of videos being skipped.

  • Reworked videoplayer error screen to be more informative and elaborate that VRDancing requires Untrusted URLs to function and that YouTube is not a reliable server.

  • Added a warning on the database whenever someone selects YouTube as a server, stating that its likely that videos won't load.

  • Added a reload video button on the locked database screen.

  • The queue preview now automatically temporarily opens when you add a video to the queue, to make people more aware of this feature.

  • Twitch chat messages now display slightly longer on the dancefloor, giving you more time to read them while you're dancing.

  • Twitch chat integration maintenance for more futureproofing with @~Silentt~

  • Updated Patreon bench



