
- Added a button to display the database entry of the video that is currently playing, it as the top right of the database.

- This button also allows you to copy the URL that is currently playing if someone uses a custom URL.

- Added display shaders to all screens in VRD. The displays now actually look more like displays with simulated viewing angles and pixels if you look at the displays from up close. I tweaked the main videoplayer to have a slightly more vibrant colour profile that is a bit more representative of how YouTube displays the content, previously the content was slightly more gray than it should be.

- Added 3 new background mixes! The two original mixes by megumi are back and another mix from 10XX has been added! Ty @megumi for rendering the videos!

- Added a new tag for Golfy Dance Fitness!

- Fixed a bunch of materials, some were a bit too reflective.

- Updated the grouppictures! Did you make it in this time?

- Added subtle effect outside to give a bit more depth.

- Updated credits panel.

- Fixed some spelling errors.

- Security updates.

- Reduced worldsize.

- Enormous database update! We are now at 7386 entries! @megumi did a ton of work on the DB adding all your suggestions and adding all from a new channel called Golfy Dance Fitness! They have really fun videos, really recommend checking it out! Ty @Silentt. for keeping our servers up-to-date and running!



