
- Added automatic mode for the director. This automatically enables the camera output when you are on the dancefloor and disables it as soon as you leave the dancefloor. Very useful for streamers that want a different camera angle when selecting songs.

- @Chatmans updated community references.

- @Chatmans optimisation of poster displays.

- Desktop output exit hint no longer appears for VR users since its not relevant to them.

- Improved reflection probe configuration, now uses a better projection method to make reflections appear more accurate.

- Adjusted reflective properties of several materials.

- Improved materials of the floors and walls, they now have much more depth.

- Optimised a lot of shaders and fixed misconfigurations.

- Videoplayer now displays the URL that is being played when someone uses a custom URL.

- Background mixes now jump to a random timestamp to make the music more varied and prevent people from hearing the same song over and over.

- Background mixes now slowly fade in when they start playing.

- More efforts to improve Director sync consistency in crowded instances.

- Updated loadingscreen quotes.



