Marshallthon 2021

The 2021 Marshallthon was VRDancing’s first big charity event. The goal was to dance to every choreography created by The Fitness Marshall in a continuous 24 hour event. Dancers signed up for 2 hour timeslots and too shifts dancing to ensure there was always a solid group on the dancefloor.

The community gathered in support of The Trevor Project to collect money to save your LGBTQ lives! The vibes were incredible and dancers truly challenged themselves to push their stamina to the limit. Meanwhile, viewers on Twitch continued to donate in support of this endeavour.

The goal was to collect 500 dollars for The Trevor Project and once that goal was met the community would dance to the exhausting Rasputin Just Dance Choreography. The generosity of the community was severely underestimated though, as soon the donations amounted to thousands of dollars. The staff team decided to have everyone dance to Rasputin for every 500 dollars donated. Which was immediately regretted when a 2000 dollar donation dropped, traumatising all dancers with Rasputin four times in a row.

As the EU crew started to tire out the overwhelming force of the NA crew took over and hit the dancefloor. As they danced through their shifts the EU crew rested up and returned for an early morning workout to finish the event!

The VRDancing Community managed to raise a grand total of $4,625.00 for The Trevor Project during Marshallthon 2021!


Deadmau5 Concert Recreation


Squat Challenge