
Migrated the VRDancing project to Unity 2022! This was a big technological hurdle so let me know if there are any issues!

  • The picture gallery now cycles through all pictures in random order before showing the same picture again. This makes it much more fun to look at the pictures as you don't see the same picture over and over again.

  • Fixed notes missing from the database, the field would always be empty. They're back again!

  • @Chatmans added a very particular fire exit.

  • Added the VRDancing Tent that @Clearrainuwu made for NYE to the avatar locker!

  • HUGE database update! Meguwumi ( @DJ Megu🌸めぐみネコ ) had the zoomies and added 637 videos!!! We now have over 10k entries in the database, what a milestone! This also means we have 5 digit video IDs now Thankyou @~Silentt~ for maintaining our CDN!

  • Added new tags for the channels Sino Afro and Zumba Fitness World Party! We added all videos from both channels.

  • Fixed event countdowns being a few hours off. Frick DST aaaaaaaaaa

  • Updated credits, staff info, staff peeking pictures.

  • Updated Patreon bench.

  • Updated all dependencies and cleaned up project.

  • Took down the Christmas decorations.



