
- Improved the session picture display! It now displays pictures from way more events! Did you make it in?

- Fixed a bug where the Director panel would not be interactable after the dancefloor scaled up.

- Fixed a bug where grabbing the handheld camera while it is filming wouldn't cause the preview to activate, you would have to toggle it on/off if you accidentally dropped it.

- Fixed a bug where the handheld camera would still render if you disabled it, it would only stop once you dropped it.

- Fixed a bug where the handheld camera preview would always remain on after desktop output is disabled for VR users.

- Adjusted the weather system, sunset now happens at 18:00 - 19:00 to reflect seasonal changes.

- Added a new tag for the channel 咬人猫Yaorenmao!

- Big DB Update! We are now at 8094 entries! @megumi kept everything up-to-date + added everything from 咬人猫Yaorenmao and @MinzLeaf went through a lot of Just Dance videos to find better versions with better quality! Thanks @Silentt. for keeping our CDN up and running!



