- Added 2 new background mixes! A UK Garage set by TheVmp and some variety and Dubstep by VRALITY!
- Removed floor delimiters on the NullPointer environment so people can put the screen below the floor level.
- Reduced volume of background music.
- Updated Patreon bench.
- Updated staff group picture.
- Fixed a bug where the database history tab would not be ordered chronologically anymore if more than a 100 videos were played.
- Fixed a bug where background music could still play while outside with the radio off.
- Fixed a bug where background music fades in when a new mix plays when TV audio upstairs/downstairs was set to off.
- Updated VRCSDK.
- Database update! Now at 8486 videos! Megumi added lots of new suggestions and kept track of our subscriptions! Thank you silentt for updating the CDN!