
Continued work on improving the new Director system based on all the feedback I got.
This does not cover everything but this should make the overall system way smoother.

- Added expand all and collapse all buttons to the filters panel.

- Added a new immediate camera timer option if you want the camera to always be on the move.

- Added a new cutmode that has an even longer transition for really slow camera movements.

- Added buttons to the Director panel sliders for more fine-grained control.

- Reworked how timers work, the timer to transition to the next camera now starts after the previous transition has ended.

- Fixed a bug where disabling the preview screen would also freeze the TVs in the hangout areas.

- Adjusted drone docking visuals.

- Adjusted wide cam to have a slightly smaller FOV.

- Fixed the near clip plane of the cameras for real this time. In other words, you can get close to the camera without disappearing.

- Fixed an issue where walking around after interacting with a slider on the Director panel would cause its value to change.

- Fixed an issue where the desktop output would not render if the preview was disabled.

- Fixed occlusion issues.

- Updated loading screen quotes.

- Security updates.

Thanks for all the continued feedback @Zaccke!



