- Added a new background mix by @Anks! Thank you @Anks for providing your set for the VRDancing world and thank you @megumi for making the video!
- Reactivated a background mix by @medlish that was temporarily broken.
- The portalsystem works again, it doesn't give you a weird speedbuff anymore lol.
- Fixed a bug where some components were duplicated, possibly adding performance issues.
- Fixed a bug where the VRDancing Bed avatar was not interactable anymore. Thank you @Phoenix#9721 for spotting this!
- Improved portal system performance.
- Updated Patreon bench.
- Updated the DB! Now at 6100 videos! Thanks @ElDarkFrost for all your new additions! Thanks @megumi for keeping all the suggestions up-to-date! And thanks @Silentt. for maintaining our CDN!