
As our community celebrates a full year of VRDancing and starts 2022 strong the venue owners got a small gift for you all.

While everyone was recovering from New Years Eve our intergalactic dancing venue stopped by at the local intergalactic repair shop.

Two DanceVFX systems have been installed in the venue, these automagically spawn particles around you as you perform your coolest moves.

This state-of-the-art system will surely amplify your cool-factor, in other words, lets fricking gooooo!

- Added DanceVFX!

- This is an asset from ShaderFes 2021 that some of you might have already seen.

- It places particles based on your avatar position and motion.

- There is tons of settings allowing you to make really nice visuals for videos or just for fun.

- Out-of-the-box the asset doesn't have a user-friendly interface, I made an interface for it that matches the style of all other VRD interfaces.

- All settings are global, the toggle for the system is local because it can be performance intensive.

- DanceVFX is available both on the dancefloor and on the cypher, they have separate tablets but only one of the two systems can be activate at a time.

- I created a few presets as examples for what is available, if you got cool settings then send me a screenshot and I'll add it as a preset.

- I added a system for resetting the pickups.

- Added a reset button for the AudioLink tablet in case it gets lost.

- Added lots of posters including a new Patreon poster.

- Added a new background mix by DJ @Anks#5500 ! Video made by @megumi#4822. Thank you both! :smile:

- Updated group picture.

- Updated a few pictureframes.

- Updated loading screen quotes.

- Updated Patreon bench.

- Updated credits panel.

- Improved VideoPlayer error messages.

- The shark evolved! Can you find it?

- Fixed a bug where the intercom button could get stuck (some WD40 did the trick).

- Mirror upstairs now properly reflects the videoplayer.

- Fixed aliasing on the lines on the floor of the dancefloor. This was especially visible in videos with a moving camera.

- Removed all Christmas themed thingies, we considered keeping some of it like people requested but ultimately we prefer to keep it exclusive to that special time of the year.

- Fixed occlusion culling issues.

- Updated the DB! Now at 5859 videos! Thanks @megumi and @Silentt. for keeping this up-to-date!



