
Our most recent event truly pushed everyone to their limits! To honour our new Plank King we have added a picture of Kohryu behind the desk.

Furthermore, we have been analysing dancer behaviour to maximise profits of our VR Dancer Bath Water brand. Please refrain from rummaging through the research papers on the desk, Chatmans needs to maintain a good overview of his research.

- Lots of security updates and reworks that will not be shared in the patch notes (more security updates to come).

- @Chatmans added additional props to the world and a hammock!

- Added a picture of the Plank Master!

- Doors can now be opened and closed by staff such that we can keep a better overview during events.

- DB update! lots of new additions by @MidnightEclipse and @Felky

Yea uhm, barely any notes but this update is actually huge hahahah



