BETA v27
This is a pretty big update as we polish the last things in the world such that we can release the world publicly!
- Options menu completely overhauled, it has a new look, should be more self-explanatory. But a lot of the design is still WIP.
- Added a TV that can display several cameras on the dancefloor or the videoplayer itself.
- The TV rotates towards the player based on where you are sitting in the lounge area.
- @Chatmans Added a lot of foliage, another couch, rugs, started on the outside area and lots more!
- All of my patrons have been allowed to write on the bench in the changing room!
- Changelogs can now be viewed in the world.
- Added icons to the tags in the DB made by @Yinagi!
- Instance master now has access to admin panel.
- Room size now adjusts automatically based on playercount (can be overriden by staff/master)
- There's a hottub to cater to the new hottub meta on Twitch!
- Reworked the entire back-end of the options menu and global admin settings. Should now be more futureproof.
- Work on the database continues! @MidnightEclipse added A LOT of 1P Just Dance videos and much more! @Chatmans added a lot of pole dancing content! @Scolly added a new channel Zincamper Southvibes!